Ultra Fractal is a 2D version of the Mandelbrot set. 2D Mandelbrot set consists of colored cells. This is where 3D Mandelbrot set stands out. Ultra Fractal brings these colorful cells closer together and makes them infinite. You can zoom in close to see the individual cells, but go back farther and you'll see how the set looks like a massive collection of cells, that cascade endlessly in every direction. Ultra Fractal lets you control both the zoom distance and the distance between the cells. You can move farther and farther back, or closer and closer. From a distance, the scale changes, and the set expands exponentially. The closer you get, the more that the cells get closer together. Ultra Fractal allows you to zoom in to very close. Zoom beyond the limit and you'll still see the cells but that the magnification you had chosen starts to decrease. Keep zooming and you'll eventually stop seeing a collection of individual cells. The limit on what's considered an individual cell depends on your preference. You can have up to 32,768 cells on a single screen, and you can create your own set with as many cells as you want, as long as you have the RAM. Features of Ultra Fractal: There are many colors to use, as well as any color combination you can imagine. Go crazy and make a set that looks exactly like something out of a John Williams score, complete with an occasional explosion to add some danger. Go ahead, make some colors and then combine them. You can easily erase something and modify it later on. This makes for a set that's truly yours. The files created by Ultra Fractal are Fractals. Not compressed or edited files. These are files that have the original data in them. In all of the files that are made with Ultra Fractal, there are data about the size of the image. If you choose not to include a size, the file is saved as a fractal. If you choose to include a size, it will be stored as an image. The end result of any fractal and the size limit only affects how well the image turns out. Images that are too large or too small will look strange or distorted. You can remove the file, change the resolution, or somehow alter the image to fix any potential problems. If you want to make a set larger than the 32K limit, you can paste a file from outside the program. You can paste images or a5204a7ec7
Ultra Fractal is a nifty set of tools that make it possible to quickly create awesome images using the Mandelbrot set. The application offers an impressive variety of fractals, from simple Mandelbrot iterations and photorealistic renderings, to harder and yet more interesting regions. Properties make it possible to manage layers and all options including hardware, image sequences, fonts, resize, gamma correction and more. You can finally use the Mandelbrot set as a canvas, and create an infinite number of images and animations. More sources: Buttons Puzzle Game. A unique, quick and simple to play puzzle game. Every time you make a match, it's a star. Most levels are arranged with tiles made of circles and rectangles. You have to make three or more matches in order to score a point. - Dynamic: You can play with the given numbers, but you can also try any game at all. - - This game offers daily free updates of new levels! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ******** PLEASE READ: -You can get credits for writing your reviews in the store description- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On the first launch, you will be asked to add Facebook and/or Google+ to get in-game notifications. If you do not want them, you can delete them in the account settings. This is a one-time process and should take less than a minute. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please write in the comments if you have any issue or problem. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thanks for all the positive reviews of my game! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -